Eric Appiah – IT Director

Home|Eric Appiah – IT Director

Eric Appiah is a highly accomplished professional with a diverse background in computer science, business administration, cybersecurity, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Eric has built a strong foundation in the field of information technology.

Eric’s educational journey extends beyond his undergraduate degree, as he holds several post-graduate certificates in various areas of expertise. Notably, he obtained an Executive Certificate in Business Administration from the Accra Business School and a certificate in Managing the Company of the future from the University of London. Additionally, he completed a certificate program in Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies at the prestigious Harvard Business School, demonstrating his commitment to gaining knowledge and skills in the entrepreneurial sphere.

Specializing in cybersecurity, Eric holds the title of Certified Network Security Specialist from the International Cybersecurity Institute in the United Kingdom. He has also earned certifications in ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Associate from Skill Front and Information Security Awareness from Fortinet, further solidifying his expertise in safeguarding digital assets and raising awareness about information security.

In the realm of digital marketing, Eric has honed his skills by completing a certificate program in The Strategy of Content Marketing from the University of California, Davis. This additional qualification enables him to strategize and implement effective marketing campaigns to drive business growth and enhance brand visibility.

Throughout his career, Eric has held various key roles and leadership positions, highlighting his exceptional leadership and management capabilities. As the Executive Director of Appiah Information Technology Systems, he has overseen the company’s operations and provided strategic direction in delivering IT solutions to clients. He has also served as an IT Consultant for organizations such as LNR Ltd. (Ghana Justice), Youth Ally, and Simon Mustard, where he leveraged his expertise in IT consulting to drive innovation and improve business processes.

Eric’s passion for technology and entrepreneurship extends beyond his professional endeavors. He has actively participated in numerous industry events and conferences as a speaker and trainer. Notably, he has shared his knowledge and insights on entrepreneurship and cybersecurity at the Africa Digital Skills Conference in multiple years, establishing himself as a thought leader in these domains.

Recognized for his contributions and achievements, Eric has received several accolades and held prominent leadership positions. He was honored with a Certificate of Honour for his role as the Chairman of GIMPA SRC Public Relation Committee and received a Citation of Honour as the GIMPA SRC Public Relation Officer. Additionally, he served as the Student Association Vice President at GIMPA School of Technology and held membership in the General Assembly and the SRC Information and Publication Committee.

His ongoing pursuit of knowledge is evident as he pursues a Master’s degree in Environmental and Sustainability Management at the Wisconsin International University College. Eric’s diverse skill set, leadership acumen, and commitment to advancement make him a notable figure in technology, entrepreneurship, and education.